Past Events

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Political Science Society Meeting

Join the Political Science Society for our bi-weekly general meetings where we will enjoy political discussions on current events (topics TBD) and enjoy some free pizza!

The Last Lecture

Join the Graduating class of 2017 as they gather one last time to reflect and be insired by a graducating student, facutly member and alumnus. 
Photo of a building and Dr. Mark Kersten and all text is duplicated in article.

Justice in Conflict: Can we have both Peace and Justice?

Dr. Mark Kersten is a postgraduate researcher, teacher and international criminal justice consultant based at the Munk School of Global Affairs.  His research focuses on the effects of judicial interventions by the International Criminal Court on conflict, peace, and justice processes.  In this lecture, he will discuess the challenges to achieving justice in a wrold that seems dominated by power and politics.   All are welcome!

Geography Brown Bag Speakers Series Presents:

Dr. Allison Bain, York University Geographies of artistic labour, redevelopment and social inclusion; gender and sexual identity politics Coffee and snacks!

Truscott Lecture in Justice

Ontario’s Attorney General Yasir Naqvi Presents Truscott Lecture in Justice Attorney General for Ontario the Honourable Yasir Naqvi will present the 2017 Truscott Lecture in Justice, “Challenging the Status Quo.” All are welcome to attend. The lecture series is part of the Truscott Initiative launched at U of G in 2009 to commemorate the struggles of Guelph resident Steven Truscott and his family.

Campus Day

Join us for this full-day open house! You are invited to go on a campus tour, check out our residences, attend academic information sessions and chat one-on-one with current students, staff and faculty who are in the programs to which you've applied.  

Reconciliation in Canada, One Year After the TRC Report

The Political Science Speaker Series presents a panel discussion on “Reconciliation in Canada, One Year After the TRC Report.” The participants are: – Miptoon (Anthony Chegahno), Elder, Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation – Prof. David MacDonald, Political Science, University of Guelph – Prof. Kim Anderson, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, University of Guelph The talk will be moderated by Prof. Kate Puddister, Political Science, University of Guelph.

College Royal


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