CSAHS Tri-Agency Research Support Programs

The College of Social and Applied Human Sciences provides three types of support for faculty who apply for research funding from the Tri-Agencies:


   Financial Support

This program assists early career, tenure-track, faculty who are currently funded by Tri-Agency, or who are preparing to apply for Tri-Agency funding within the next year.

More information will be available next Fall.

This program assists mid-career, tenured, faculty who are currently funded by Tri-Agency, or who are preparing to apply for Tri-Agency funding within the next year.

More information will be available next Fall.

Program on hold.

Program on hold.

This program supports Lead/Principal applicants who develop complex, collaborative, high-value research grant applications requesting up to $4,000,000 in cash support. These include, for example, Ontario Research Fund-Research Excellence, NSERC CREATE, some NSERC Alliance applications, and SSHRC Partnership grants.

Application and Value

Program on hold.

The CSAHS ADRGS Office and Office of the Vice-President (Research) will consider sponsorship requests related to research events, e.g. conferences, symposia or workshops.

Application and Value

  • Salary support for post-doctoral fellows
  • Salary support for graduate and/or undergraduate students
  • Costs of publication and knowledge mobilization
  • Travel
  • Equipment, tools, laboratory supplies, consumables, animals
  • Costs of research participants
  • Editorial, grant writing, professional services

The level of support for all Financial Programs will be dependent on the College's availability of research funds in the current fiscal year.

    Support Services

Application Review Program

Faculty members and postdoctoral fellows applying to tri-agency funding programs will benefit from a detailed two-step review process with the CSAHS ADRGS Office and the Research Services Office to ensure proposals are as competitive as possible, and align with sponsor and University requirements.This review may include specific assistance with budget preparation, including:

  • Providing budget templates
  • Providing costs estimate lists
  • Reviewing budgets of grant applications
  • Assisting the development of Institutional Support for major collaborative/strategic Tri-Agency grant programs

Mentorship Programs

The ADRGS Office administers three programs designed to support Tri-Agency grant submissions and/or resubmissions:

  1. Peer Review
    • Required for new tenure-track hires
    • Required for applicants who received support from Seed, Growth and Incentive programs
    • Strongly recommended for all faculty applying to Tri-Agencies
  2. Annual Grant Writing Workshops
  3. Peer Mentorship
    • Offered by members of the CSAHS Council of Research Mentors.

For more information about any of these programs, contact the CSAHS Manager, Research Development.

    Teaching Release

Support for teaching release in CSAHS is an exception, not the norm.

Exceptions are evaluated by the Dean and by Department Chairs and require modification of distribution of effort (DOE).

Exceptions are considered when teaching release is an inherent part of a research award (e.g. Killam Fellowship, Canada Research Chair, CIHR New Investigator Award, Principal Investigator on major collaborative/strategic Tri-Agency grants greater than $2 million).