Robin Roth to Deepen The Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics' Impact as Chair
Dr. Robin Roth comes to the role of Chair in the Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics (GEG) with a vision for deepening the department’s impact both on and off campus.
Roth is a broadly trained human-environment geographer with expertise in conservation governance and conflict, political ecology, livelihood change and Indigenous approaches to conservation. After earning a PhD in Geography at Clark University in Massachusetts, she spent 11 years as a professor at York University before coming to Guelph in 2015.
The Looking Glass: Experience is Your Biggest Friend Outside of the Classroom
Anindita (Dita) Ponkshe is an undergraduate student in the Honours Political Science program.
Delane Linkiewich Spotlight: Tapping into the Value of Lived Experience
Although chronic pain is often an invisible illness, the impacts it can have on the lives of those living with it are profound.
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology PhD student Delane Linkiewich hopes to support adolescents living with chronic pain through peer support groups, where they can connect with others who have similar lived experiences to share knowledge and build relationships.
As Ottawa is Urged to Look into Best-Before Dates on Groceries, Food Waste Researcher Dr. Kate Parizeau Says They Are Poorly Understood
As Ottawa is Urged to Look into Best-Before Dates on Groceries, Food Waste Researcher Kate Parizeau Says They Are Poorly Understood
The Value of Life-Long Education: Margaret and Anthony Brathwaite Honour Friend through Bursary
Sometimes a chance meeting can turn into a life-long friendship that changes your life. In the case of Margaret and Anthony Brathwaite, one of the first people they met when they moved to Canada in 1976 ended up becoming a dear friend who inspired them to give back.