
Tzu-Yi poses in front of the University of Guelph Portico wearing her graduation robes.

Scholarship Enables Tzu-Yi to Return to Supportive Community at U of G

For Master of Applied Nutrition student Yang Tzu-Yi, the decision of whether to pursue her master's was a tough one. After completing the last year of her undergrad in Applied Human Nutrition online while living in China during the pandemic, Tzu-Yi got a job in China as a teacher. She debated whether it made sense to walk away from a stable job and take on the high cost of paying for continued education and moving back to Canada. 

The Looking Glass: Loving Plainly

Abigail Mitchell (she/her) is a PhD student in Sociology at the University of Guelph and holds an MA in Criminology and Criminal Justice Policy from U of G. Her research focuses on domestic homicide, sexual femicide and internet-facilitated child sexual abuse.  

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