Maplewoods Centre for Family Therapy and Child Psychology logo. List of five ways to be a good listener for your child. Guelph University Logo

5 Tips to Help Parents Be Better Listeners

This #BellLetsTalk day we are reminded to be a support for those around us and Keep Listening, Keep Being There.

How can parents be a good listeners for their child? The new Maplewoods Centre for Family Therapy and Child Psychology has provided these valuable tips.

1.     Make time to really listen to what your child has to say every day.

CSAHS Gemma Victor Winner of Minister's Award of Excellence

International students have a lot to navigate. They need to adjust to a new place, a new school, a new culture, and perhaps even a language different from that of their home country. For Black and other racialized students, they may also have to deal with a lack of resources and supports in their new community. All in all, it can feel a little bit overwhelming. Gemma Victor, the newest hire at the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences knows a little something about those experiences and feelings.

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