Past Events

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Trial Actors - Is Canada’s Bail System Broken?

Please join us for the 1st session of the 2023-24 Criminal Justice in Practice (CJIP) series. Guest Speaker Welcoming Boris Bytensky, Criminal Defence Lawyer of Bytensky Shikhman Barristers. 

CSAHS Graduate Information Sessions

Considering applying to a graduate program within the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences? Join us for an info session where we’ll break down the graduate school application, explain the process, and outline key application elements as well as share tips on strengthening your application for all grad programs in CSAHS. 
Theories of Water - Using Michi Saagiig Nishnaabe consciousness to dismantle the present moment. Hopper Lecture 2023

Hopper Lecture 2023 - Theories of Water

Theories of Water - Using Michi Saagiig Nishnaabe consciousness to dismantle the present moment.  What does it mean to listen to water? What does it mean to believe in water? Challenging systems of colonialism through work that is deeply connected with the land.
Wrongful Conviction Day. Join us for a talk in support of exonerees and to bring attention to the injustices faced by the wrongfully convicted. Oct 4, 2023. 5:30-7p.m. Richards Building (RICH) 2520. Guest speaker Ron Dalton, exoneree

Wrongful Conviction Day

Join Criminal Justice and Public Policy for a talk in support of exonerees and to bring attention to the injustices faced by the wrongfully convicted.  Guest Speaker   Ron Dalton, exoneree
Meet your career advisor. Careers for CSAHS Majors. Learn how to start connecting your degree to future careers. A group of job candidates wearing professional attire sit in a row.

Meet Your Career Advisor

As a CSAHS student, you have a dedicated Career Advisor available to help you throughout your undergraduate studies with resume writing, interviewing and job search skills. Whether you are getting ready for a summer employment opportunity, co-op placement or job on campus. Jana is available to help you find a fulfilling employment opportunity that fuels your passion. Join us to meet Jana and start connecting your degree to future careers.

Culturally Responsive Academic Integrity

Are you a International student and interested in learning how to make sure you're doing your coursework according to Canadian university standards? What is Academin Integrity? Academic integrity means being honest and fair in all of your coursework, doing your own work and giving credit to others when you use their ideas or words.

CSAHS International Student - Meet and Greet

International students of the College of Social and Applied Human Science! You are invited to join us to meet staff and faculty from our department, receive information that will be helpful throughout your time with us and get to meet the other International students of your college! International undergraduate and graduate students of all years are invited.

Graduate Student Orientation - Meet and Greet

  Incoming CSAHS Graduate students! You are invited to join us for an orientation where you will get to meet staff and faculty from our department, receive information that will be helpful throughout your time with us and get to meet the other Graduate students of your college! Register for the event
Road to recovery

Lessons from the Pandemic for Science and Public Health

Join CIRCLE to hear lessons from the pandemic from Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Chairperson, M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation and Former Chief Scientist, World Health Organization.
Learning together a showcase of Indigenous childrens books

Learning Together - a Showcase of Indigenous Children's Books

Join the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences and the Child Care and Learning Centre for celebration of Indigenous children's authors and books. The event will feature a reading of Biindigen! Amik Says Welcome by author Nancy Cooper as well as explore a collection of children's books curated in partnership with GoodMinds. 

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