Funding Priority: Master of Conservation Leadership

Join us as an Early Supporter of the Master of Conservation Leadership program
Ongoing environmental degradation and climate change, alongside a shift in conservation governance methods, means that the conservation of our biodiversity has never been more complex, nor more urgent.
Responding to this need, the University of Guelph has developed a Master of Conservation Leadership (MCL) program for those in the conservation sector and those working in partnership with the sector. The first of its kind in Canada, the program emphasizes innovative conservation practice including Indigenous-led conservation governance and conservation on private and working lands.
There are several opportunities to be a part of this unique program.
Your donation of student support
Travel Grants: Minimum donation of $1,000 / year with a commitment of 5 years or more.
Scholarships for Masters Students: Minimum donation of $5,000/year with a commitment of 5 years or more.
Endowed Scholarship: Minimum donation of $150,000 to endow a Master’s level scholarship with the disbursement of the endowment being matched by the University Graduate Scholarship Matching Fund. For example, if the endowment generates $5,000, the University Graduate Scholarship Matching fund will match that to make it a total $10,000 award.
SAPLING Sponsor | $10,000 / year (3-year commitment)
- Ability to advertise as an Early Supporter of the Masters in Conservation Leadership
- Invite to the annual lecture, which includes 2 cohorts of students, faculty and staff, advisory board, keynote, and the greater community
- NAME recognition on MCL website
- Verbal recognition at annual lecture
TREE Sponsor | $25,000
- Choice between named annual lectureship (with pledge of 5 years or longer) OR residency site sponsor.
- Ability to advertise as an Early Supporter of the Masters in Conservation Leadership
- Invite to the annual lecture, which includes 2 cohorts of students, faculty and staff, advisory board, keynote, and the greater community
- Sponsor logo recognition on MCL website for one year or duration of pledge
- Verbal sponsor recognition at annual lecture (and additional recognition if you are the sponsor of the lecture)
- Opportunity to provide input into the chosen site (if site sponsor) and highlight the work of the sponsor.
- Clear communication of residency branding to students and via website
- Opportunity to join the Advisory Committee
- Recognition in recruitment materials for the MCL
FOREST Sponsor | $50,000
- Ability to advertise as an Early Supporter of the Masters of Conservation Leadership
- Invite to the annual lecture, which includes 2 cohorts of students, faculty and staff, advisory board, keynote, and the greater community
- Sponsor logo recognition on MCL website for 2 years with link to sponsor’s website
- Opportunity to join the Advisory Committee
- Verbal sponsor recognition at annual lecture and logo recognition in materials
- LOGO recognition in recruitment materials for MCL
- Opportunity to provide input into a mentorship collaborative.
- Opportunity to highlight the work of the sponsor’s organization
- Opportunity to visit (at the sponsor’s expense) the residency.
- Early access to publications and reports resulting from students and faculty of the MCL.
For sponsorship opportunities, contact:
Cristina Coates
Senior Development Manager
Cell: 226-971-0796
Elizabeth Rauchenstein
Alumni Advancement Manager
Cell: 226-820-6174