
The Looking Glass: One day, you might be glad you missed that bus
Nida Ansari (she/her) recently completed her BA Hons. ('23) in Psychology (Co-op) with a minor in French Studies at The University of Guelph. Throughout her undergraduate degree she participated in extra-curriculars such as the Psychology Society and the Peer Helper Program, sat on the CSAHS Teaching and Learning Hub Committee, and supported research activities with the Child Emotion and Mental Health Lab, located at the Maplewoods Centre.

University of Guelph Names Dr. Jess Haines and Dr. Stephen Lewis as New Research Leadership Chairs
In an era where well-being increasingly drives societal progress, groundbreaking research illuminates the profound impact of research itself on enhancing collective health and happiness. Recent studies underscore research's pivotal role in fostering well-being, from bolstering mental resilience to shaping public policies, across communities and individuals.