

Alumni Help Braid Together Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science to Build Something Bigger

Natural ecosystems are replete with mutually beneficial symbiotic relationships. How an organism finds and fills a unique niche in a way that enriches both species is always amazing to observe and adds to the variety and beauty of life.

Similarly, Shared Value Solutions (SVS), a human environment consulting firm based in Guelph, Ontario has developed a special, mutually beneficial relationship with the University of Guelph.

Sophia is rolling out some dough in her kitchen

The Looking Glass: Traditions to Remember

Sophia Hou is an undergraduate student in the Applied Human Nutrition program in the Department of Family Relations and Human Nutrition at the University of Guelph. Sophia keeps a nutrition and health blog titled In her latest blog post, she shared with us her mission to celebrate and preserve her Chinese heritage and her reasons for doing so.

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