
Unique opportunities to be part of the "Food from Thought" research program - $76.6 million investment from Canada's First Research Excellence Fund

Arrell Food Institute Graduate Funding Opportunities

The Arrell Food Institute at the University of Guelph is now accepting scholarship applications for students entering a graduate program in the Summer 2018, Fall 2018 or Winter 2019 semesters. The Institute is seeking emerging scholars who are not only academically outstanding but also passionately committed to ensuring that future generations are well fed, that diets are nutritious and equitable, and that agriculture is sustainable.

CBC interviews SOAN Prof about new research centre focused on women, girls killed in Canada

Dr. Myrna DawsonSOAN Professor, Director of the Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence and head of the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability, Dr. Myrna Dawson, is leading a new research centre at the U of G, which is drawing attention to the number of Canadian women and girls who are killed on a regular basis. According to Dr. Dawson, a stagering one woman or girl is killed every other day.

FASD Study: Prevalence in Corrections

Kaitlyn McLachlanPsychology Professor, Dr. Kaitylyn McLachlan, has been leading a study that looks at the prevalence of individuals with FASD in correctional institutions, specifically in the Yukon. The information gathered in the study will help determine how we offer services at the Whitehorse Correctional Centre and in the surrounding community.

Here are some interesting findings:

Alumni News MAC '64 Banff Reunion

MAC 64 held its 53rd reunion in Banff, Alberta on October 1-3, 2017. Twenty-six classmates, along with spouses, enjoyed their time together in the national park sightseeing and renewing friendships.

A university connection was present at the reunion venue, the Banff Park Lodge, where both the manager, Frank Denouden, and the conference services manager, Linda Chisholm, were University of Guelph graduates.

Leading research and advancements in social science! Another successful year for our college, with a number of faculty being awarded the SSHRC Insights Grant.

Research and advancements in the social sciences and humanities is vital for expanding our understanding and knowledge of individuals, groups, societies and the world. Such research can guide how we address economic, cultural, social, environmental and technological issues. The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) recognizes and supports research excellence in these areas and awards individuals and groups with funding with the goal of building knowledge and understanding to better inform the research community as well as the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

How to avoid a Halloween sugar disaster

Jess HainesFor many people, Halloween means dressing their kids up like cute little superheroes. Unfortunately, the holiday can also stress many parents as they try to manage the deluge of candy that children bring home from trick-or-treating.

Sugar in the diet may increase risks of opioid addiction

Francesco LeriNew research from the University of Guelph's laboratory of behavioral neuroscience suggests a diet high in refined sugars could make children and adults more susceptible to opioid addiction and possible overdose. 

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