
The DRiVe Lab

The University of Guelph DRiVE laboratory is seeking to collaborate with researchers at the University of Guelph interested in driving-related areas of research such as driver safety, driver performance, development of in-vehicle technologies and other medical and commercial applications.

A Look at the Hub for Teaching and Learning Excellence Resources

Philosopher Eric Hoffer once said, “In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future.” There is no doubt that our world has seen monumental change in recent years. The faculty and staff at CSAHS see the need to provide the best teaching possible. 

The Hub for Teaching and Learning Excellence (TLE) was created to act as both a champion for the continual enhancement of teaching and teaching methods and as a support for those who are striving for such excellence.

New Program Development

CSAHS has always sought to be a leader in teaching and learning – providing students with resources that can help them respond to the challenges facing our modern world. With this in mind, new and exciting course offerings are coming to our College.

Awards and Scholarships

Twice a year, students and faculty from CSAHS gather to celebrate with the recipients of prestigious external scholarships, undergraduate Dean’s Scholarship winners and winners of College teaching awards.

Applause is given, photographs are taken and appetizers are eaten. But more than just hollow accolades, these awards can have a far-reaching effect – especially in the lives of students.

Dr. Steffi Hamann Recipient of the CSAHS Teaching and Learning Excellence Award for Early Career Faculty

From large first-year lecture courses to small interdisciplinary PhD methods seminars, Dr. Steffi Hamann has a full schedule of teaching responsibilities. And through them all, her contagious enthusiasm for the material she is teaching is ever-present.

Recipient of the 2019 CSAHS Teaching and Learning Excellence Award for Early Career Faculty, Hamann is a professor affiliated with the political science department, with teaching duties in the Guelph Institute of Development Studies (GIDS).

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