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Week of February 7, 2021

Skills for Research Impact Series: Stakeholder Engagement

Skills for Research Impact is a workshop series for University of Guelph faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research. Throughout the series, participants will be invited to apply the workshops’ content to their own research contexts and goals, and bring in real examples to work on.
Black Heritage Month: honouring our past, present and future.

Black Heritage Month: The Anti-Black Racism Workshop with Selam Debs  Join community leader Selam Debs for this one-of-a-kind Anti-Racism Course that calls on individuals to dismantle unconscious bias, address white privilege, uncover systemic racism, and learn how to center the experience of BIPOC individuals. This event is open to everyone.
Black Heritage Month: honouring our past, present and future.