Researchers for Change: Graduate Students as Actors of Change

Date and Time


Join us in person or via Zoom! More information about the in-person location and the Zoom link will be shared before the event.

Researchers for change: engagement, mobilization and impact at the graduate level


Graduate students can be powerful actors of change on and off campus. From reflecting on why we are interested in the topics we are studying to discussing how we build skills to become engaged practitioners, this session asks graduate students to consider how we prepare ourselves for this work and what support we might need to develop and maintain relationships inside and outside of the academic community.

We will discuss questions such as:

  • How do we bring our full self to this work?
  • How might our own bias and positionality impact our research and relationships?
  • What skills do we need to meaningfully engage and act?
  • How can supervisors, colleagues and peers best support us?

Register to attend Graduate Students as Actors of Change.

This is part of the Researchers for Change: Engagement, Mobilization and Impact at the Graduate Level series offered by the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute.

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