
Canada guilty of forging crisis in Indigenous foster care

David MacDonaldPolitics is about power – who has it, who doesn’t, and what it enables people to do. Canada as a settler colonial state has had too much power for too long over Indigenous peoples and their lands and institutions.

2019 Truscott Lecture

Save the Date!

10th Anniversary Lecture - February 28th 2019

The lecture series is part of the Truscott Initiative launched at U of G in 2009 to commemorate the struggles of Guelph resident Steven Truscott and his family.

POLS prof, Tamara Small, discusses the upcoming provincial election

Tamara SmallOntario's politics are heating up as the provincial election draws closer. Current Liberal premier, Kathleen Wynne, has had declining popularity since being elected in 2013 creating way for Patrick Brown's Progressive Conservatives to gain traction. However, Brown still remains a mystery man and Political Science professor, Dr.

FRAN Professor, Jess Haines, discusses Meal-Kits in National News

Meal kits are packages that get delierved to your door with ready-to-prepare dishes that are typically martketed as easy to make, healthy and delicious. There are also easy to follow instructions and pre-portioned ingredients. The meal kit industry is growing in Canada and is currently worth $120-million as it is particularly appealing to those who want to eat healthy but work long hours or don't have time to think about shopping for food.

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