
Giving Begets Giving

Student life at the University of Guelph is more than just classes and exams. Ask any student on campus and they will rattle off a list of extra-curricular activities that they are involved in.

“Many students volunteer both on and off campus, help administrate student representative bodies, play varsity athletics, assist professors with research and so on,” said student Nathaniel Brown in his recent speech at the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS) award ceremony.

CSAHS Awards Help Students Improve Life

Students in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS) don’t wait until they graduate to put the University motto “Improve Life” into action. They are encouraged from day one to make a difference in their school, community and around the world. Courses are designed around this concept, faculty lead by example and resources are used to support students in making a difference.

Guelph Food Waste Project Receives International Award

Canadian households can lose up to $1,600 a year through avoidable food waste, and a University of Guelph research team has received a prestigious international award for their unique approach to the problem.

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