5 Tips to Help Parents Be Better Listeners
This #BellLetsTalk day we are reminded to be a support for those around us and Keep Listening, Keep Being There.
How can parents be a good listeners for their child? The new Maplewoods Centre for Family Therapy and Child Psychology has provided these valuable tips.
1. Make time to really listen to what your child has to say every day.
2. When listening to your child, remember that young children often don't have the words to communicate. "Listen" to their behaviour and body language too.
3. Listen to your child at their level. Get down on the floor. Join in their activities. Let them take the lead.
4. Communicate that feelings are safe. When you sense that your child is hurting, acknowledge the pain.
5. Remember to reflect back what your child has said to make sure that you have understood.
“#BellLetsTalk is an important initiative,” said Dr. Elissa Newby-Clark. “We hope that these contributions are helpful to parents in the community we serve.”