Charity to Solidarity: Using a Justice Lens for Community Engaged Teaching and Learning Partnerships
Date and Time
Zoom webinar (link to be sent to registered attendees closer to the date)

The Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) and CSAHS Teaching and Learning Excellence (TLE) Hub are excited to host the first session of a newly revived learning space called the Community Engaged Teaching and Learning & Critical Pedagogy Learning Circle (CETL & Critical Pedagogy Learning Circle).
Our first session will feature a presentation and critical discussion about building CETL partnerships which highlight and enact justice throughout course elements, community engagement, and social change processes and goals. We will first ground our discussion through a facilitated conversation with our featured presenter who will highlight CETL partnerships created through a 3rd-year International Development course entitled "Engaging in Development Practice".
Following insights from the course instructor, the group will engage in a broader discussion about enacting critical community engaged scholarship in the context of course-based partnerships using a justice lens.
Please register for our session to receive the Zoom link closer to the date.
Thanks and hope to see you there!