SafeTALK Training
Date and Time
ALEX 168
SafeTALK is an alertness training that prepares anyone, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper. The SafeTALK trainer will demonstrate the importance of suicide alertness, assist participants to identify ways people invite help, and connect them with resources to help them when they are at risk.
Recommended for: Individuals who are not mental health experts but who might have on-going relationships with people who have mental health issues and/or where the individual is in a position of authority. Examples include: Peer Helpers, RAs, athletes, and student leaders.
For more information on other levels of training, please visit our website here.
Please RSVP individually on the right. In order to get your certificate, you will need to complete the full 3.5 hours.
This training is only for students. If you are a staff/faculty, please register through the HR Learning and Development Calendar.