Award Recognition 2022

Award Recognition 2022

The land we learn on

The University of Guelph resides on the ancestral lands of the Attawandaron people and the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. We recognize the significance of the Dish With One Spoon Covenant to this land and that today, this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.

We offer our respect to our Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Métis neighbours as we strive to strengthen our relationships with them and we're reminded of our connection and responsibility to this land where we learn and work.


Congratulations to Our Students

Annually, the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS) distributes over $500,000 in student awards and recognizes the academic achievement and outstanding leadership of over 200 students. Many of these awards are generously funded by donors who see the importance of supporting students in their academic and professional pursuits. We are so proud of the excellence of our students and the generosity of our donors and want to share some of their stories.


Thank You from the Dean

"I would like to thank you, the donors, for your ongoing generosity and support of our student awards and scholarships. Student support is more important than ever, and your generosity allows that to happen."

— Interim Dean Byron Sheldrick
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences


Byron Sheldrick Video Transcript


Featured Donor: Lynn Roblin

"When I graduated, I really found that extracurricular opportunities gave me a breadth of knowledge beyond the classroom curriculum... So the award that I set up isn't just based on being the highest marks in the class, but being involved."

— Lynn Roblin
1980 Graduate of the College of Family and Consumer Studies (FACS)


Lynn Roblin Video Transcript


Thank You, Donors: Danayt Hibtzghi

"Like every child growing up, I had big dreams, and one of them was to go to post-secondary. When I did get into the University of Guelph, it felt like something big. I was going to be the first one to do so in my family."

— Danayt Hibtzghi
2021 Mary Anne Chambers Entrance Bursary Recipient


Danayt Hibtzghi Video Transcript


A message of thanks from some of our CSAHS Award Recipients


Marcianne Any

H.H. Harshman Graduate Scholarship

Marcianne Any Video Transcript

Sarah Barnett

Dr. William Winegard Scholarship in International Development

Sarah Barnett Video Transcript

Lily Briand

Carolyn Mathieson

Lily Briand Video Transcript


Meghan Holling

Dr. William Winegard Scholarship in International Development

Meghan Holling Video Transcript

Allison Hudson

CSAHS Alumni Association CJPP Scholarship

Allison Hudson Video Transcript

Zeinab Jafari

Dorothy Britton Memorial Doctoral Scholarship

Zeinab Jafari Video Transcript


Samantha Nicolson


Samantha Nicolson Video Transcript

Tamara Petresin

Ted Symons

Tamara Petresin Video Transcript

Sarah Ribey

Joanna Bartlett Boehnert Memorial Scholarship

Sarah Ribey Video Transcript


Bowen Roger

Harshman Graduate Scholarship in Food Systems

Bowen Roger Video Transcript

Adam Solomon

Two-Eyed Seeing/Etuaptmumk Indigenous Scholarship

Adam Solomon Video Transcript

Margaux Williams-Kelly

Larry and Margaret Dickenson Scholarship

Margaux Williams-Kelly Video Transcript

Medal Recipients 2022

CSAHS Medal Recipients

CSAHS medals are awarded to the top students in the college who have been nominated to win prestigious university-wide convocation awards for their momentous achievements. Congratulations to 2022 CSAHS medal recipients: Ana da Silva, Danah Elsayed, Skylar Laursen, Gloria Novovic, and Marieka De Vuono.

2022 Medal Recipients