Researchers for Change: Co-Creating Knowledge with Non-Academic Partners

Date and Time


Join us in person or via Zoom! More information about the in-person location and the Zoom link will be shared before the event.

Researchers for change: engagement, mobilization and impact at the graduate level.


Co-creation of knowledge with non-academic partners can be both rewarding and challenging. Ultimately, such collaborations can be one of the most effective ways to increase the uptake and impact of research. What can it look like for graduate students to participate in community-engaged partnerships?

Guided by examples from experienced community-engaged researchers, this roundtable brings participants to reflect on the principles and practices of engagement. We’ll discuss how to identify and approach the right partners, what students can offer "back" to ensure that relationships are mutually beneficial, and what happens to those relationships once the research is over.

We will explore questions such as:

  • What does it mean to co-create knowledge with non-academic partners?
  • What does reciprocity look like in this type of work?
  • How can graduate students navigate the realities and constraints of working in partnership?
  • What factors have been critical to successful engagement in the past?

Join us in person or online via Zoom. More information about location and Zoom link will be sent out before the event.

Register to attend Co-Creating Knowledge with Non-Academic Partners.

This event is part of the Researchers for Change series offered by the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute.

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