Strategic Plan Progress Report 2018

"We needed a new guide for decision-making within the College and a clear direction for our actions over the coming years. As a newcomer to the community, it was essential that I spend my time talking with and listening to a broad range of stakeholders to ensure that my leadership would be based on a shared vision for the College."
Download the 2018 Progress Report
Our Accomplishments So Far
- The Interdisciplinary Hub will support interdisciplinary research, pedagogy and collaboration. Development has begun with plans to renovate an allocated space in MacKinnon (ground floor) to house the Hub, as well as an initial conceptualization of how this Hub may operate (ad hoc working group and consultation with CSAHS community).
- The Hub for Teaching and Learning Excellence is designed to foster and encourage new and innovative approaches to curriculum development and pedagogy in the College’s undergraduate and graduate programming, while supporting and recognizing the value of teaching and learning in postsecondary academia. Lunch and learn sessions are debuting this fall; a call for student representation, Fellows of the Hub, and funding applications are being released this fall.
- Development of a College-wide Indigenous Strategy under the leadership of Kim Anderson with a working group to support. The first stage of this strategy has been to identify baseline Indigenous/post-colonial content being taught across CSAHS programs.
- Pilot for staff position in the College research office to support research grant budget development.
- Planning for improved physical presence: completed a space master plan.
- Developing an Integrated Centre for Mental Health as a collaboration between Couple and Family Therapy and Psychological Services, which will be housed in the former VMI building on College Street.
- Approval and launch of the Guelph Institute for Development Studies.
- Creation of roles to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan, including Manager, Academic Programs (Chris Donaldson), Manager, Graduate Programs (Meredith Warner) and Manager, Strategic Projects (Phillip Gingras).
Upcoming Projects
- Launching/developing new degree and certificate programs for undergraduate and graduate students.
- PhD in Social Practice, Policy and Transformational Change (Collaboration among all 5 departments and 2 research institutes, expected intake 2019)
- Master in Conservation Leadership (Geography, expected intake 2020)
- Master in International Development Studies & Engagement (Guelph Institute for Development Studies, expected intake 2020)
- Master in Food Security and Analysis (Collaboration across Departments and Colleges, currently in the planning phase)
- Indigenous Resource Management Certificate (Collaboration across Departments and Colleges, offered through CSAHS, expected intake 2019)
- Enhancing marketing and communications through projects such as re-developing College websites and the implementation of research communication strategy.
- Welcoming students and the community to our Integrated Centre for Mental Health (expected December 2019).
- Working closely to enhance our alumni experience, reaching donation milestones, and maintaining communication with a greater number of our graduates.
- Working collaboratively on reconciliation and creating a more inclusive experience for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students.
- Establishing an internationalization strategy to reflect new trends in curriculum, study abroad and research opportunities, while welcoming a growing number of international students.
- Developing policies and services that support the wellbeing of the whole person and promote personal satisfaction and safety for faculty, staff, and students.
- Identifying and initiating opportunities to foster a culture of inclusion for students, staff, and faculty in the College.
Next Steps
In collaboration with partners across the University, including the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI), Guelph International, Departments across CSAHS, and Institutional Analysis and Research, we will be working to establish objectives for projects, meeting routinely with faculty and staff to provide updates, gather community feedback, and continue to provide essential support for our mission and vision.
Through the Dean’s Council and community consultation, we aim to maintain an inclusive approach to strategic implementation, working with stakeholders across the institution and the greater Guelph community.
Our aim is to make the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences a model for building consensus during strategic change. We look forward to your feedback and insights as we continue on this journey together.