Using COMPASS to Navigate the Supports and Interventions Journey for FASD

About the Project
The National FASD Database offers a unique opportunity to evaluate key areas of need and intervention/support recommendations for individuals with FASD. Data are being used to identify recommendations and needs, and then translate these into meaningful tools and resources to help individuals and families to navigate the care pathway for supports/services. FASD is not a “one type fits all” condition, and it is essential to truly understand the patterns of strengths and deficits of individuals with prenatal alcohol exposure in diagnosis; individuals must access interventions that make the most sense for what they need, according to their life stage, and context. We developed a COMPASS tool that maps strategies and interventions to individual needs using the National Database. We worked with clinics and families to develop a prototype that can be used by clinics to easily and rapidly generate family-friendly clinical profiles and intervention recommendations and planning tools based. We are ready to pilot our “Client-Oriented Mapping for Point of Care Access to Supports and Services” across Canada, to refine it, and to incorporate a client satisfaction component to provide the finishing touches. This process will facilitate a more effective and impactful journey through the FASD interventions pathway.
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This Project has been made possible by Kids Brain Health Network, with the financial support of the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE), and of the University of Guelph.
The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Kids Brain Health, the NCE, or the Government of Canada.