Indigenous Initiatives


Acknowledging the land where we learn and work

We acknowledge that the University of Guelph resides on the ancestral lands of the Attawandaron people and the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. We recognize the significance of the Dish With One Spoon Covenant to this land and that today, this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. Through these words, we offer our respect to our Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Métis neighbours as we strive to strengthen our relationships with them and we're reminded of our connection and responsibility to this land where we learn and work.


Initiatives in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences


Academic Programming

Undergraduate and graduate programs and courses include Indigenous content and ways of knowing to explore the history, culture and issues facing Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

About Academic Programming


Fundamental and applied research projects using Indigenous methodologies, with respect for and in cooperation with Indigenous communities, to examine modern problems.

About Research


Student Support

The College strives to remove barriers to learning, provide an equitable learning environment and offer supports for Indigenous students in their pursuit of post-secondary education.

About Indigenous Student Support


Read select past and present stories related to Indigenous research, news, advancements and initiatives happening in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences.

Read the Stories


Much More To Do

The University of Guelph seeks to create an inclusive and equitable environment for students, staff and faculty. In 2019, an Indigenous Initiatives Strategic Task Force was formed and tasked with developing a strategy aimed at guiding reconciliation and decolonization efforts at the University of Guelph. In March 2021, the task force released their report which focused on the five key areas of governance, campus environment, Indigenous student support, research and scholarship, and pedagogy and curriculum.


As acting dean of the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, I was eager to read the report and consider what we as a College can do to further our efforts towards decolonization and reconciliation.

In 2018, the College established an Indigenization committee to review curriculum across College programs and identify gaps in existing curricula. In 2020, the committee began work on a student-led initiative for Indigenizing the college. The College has also looked to increase support for Indigenous students through new awards and research funding and is proud to be contributing to the newly established Nokom's House – an Indigenous land-based lab promoting truth, reconciliation and decolonization.

But though we have taken these important first steps, this report spotlights the fact that there is much more to do. We need to remove barriers to education for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. We need to include the knowledge systems and experiences of Indigenous Peoples as we learn together. We need to help Indigenous learners feel welcome, respected and valued. And, we need to remember the important relationships that Indigenous Peoples have with the land on which our campus is located.

This report presents specific steps that the University community can take towards these needed transformations. As a University, as a College and as acting dean, we are committed to confronting systemic problems and doing what is in our power to work towards reconciliation. I encourage all to read this report and work together to apply both the letter and the spirit of its findings.

— Dr. Byron Sheldrick
Acting Dean, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, 2020-2022

Read the Summary Report


Looking Forward

The continued development of Indigenous initiatives is in support of the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences Strategic Plan (2017). College priorities are informed by a commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

CSAHS Strategic Plan

The College of Social and Applied Human Sciences is proud to be part of a larger campus community. Find out more about the University of Guelph's Indigenous initiatives.

U of G Indigenous Initiatives