Goals & Objectives

The following goals and objectives form the core of our Strategic Plan. They will guide our strategic actions over the coming years and focus our energy and resources on programs and processes that need to be developed or changed to help us achieve our vision. They do not define all of the activities we will engage in - in addition to these strategic directions, we will continue to support practices that contribute to our current areas of strength, such as our disciplinary teaching and research programs.

We recognize that some of the goals and objectives are more readily under our control than others. Some are constrained by resources, and others address processes that may be more the purview of administrative levels above or below that of a College. However, the College is committed to take actions as we are able (including advocating for change at other administrative levels) to achieve these goals and objectives.

Goal 1

To be a leader in disciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and engaged teaching and research that contributes to meaningful change in our communities and our world.


  1. To facilitate impactful interdisciplinary research collaborations within CSAHS, within the University of Guelph, nationally and internationally.
  2. To support and develop exemplary graduate and undergraduate programs that attract excellent students and prepare graduates for successful professional and academic careers.
  3. To facilitate access to, recognition of, and development of engaged scholarship activities for faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students, locally, nationally and internationally.
  4. To take action to advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples of Canada.

Goal 2

To make visible and compelling the quality, value, and societal impact of our teaching, research, and engagement for prospective and current students, the University of Guelph community, alumni, and the general public.


  1. To clearly articulate the scholarly and public contributions of the College in a way that defines our unique contribution to the University of Guelph brand.
  2. To clearly articulate the scholarly and public contributions of the College in a way that differentiates us from comparator units at other universities.
  3. To champion the quality and value of our work to the University of Guelph community, prospective and current students, alumni, and external stakeholders.

Goal 3

To provide a healthy and productive work and learning environment where diversity is encouraged and that fosters the ability of students, staff, faculty, and alumni to thrive and succeed.


  1. To foster a culture of inclusion and respect for diversity within the College.
  2. To foster and support the well-being of students, staff, and faculty within the College.
  3. To implement fair, transparent and just processes within the College.
  4. To achieve fair, equitable and manageable workloads for students, staff, and faculty.
  5. To increase and responsibly allocate financial resources available to the College to meet physical, technological, and human resource needs as best we can.