Developing the 2017 CSAHS Strategic Plan
The Vision, Mission, Values, Goals, Objectives, and Actions presented in this document were developed through a series of engagement events held between September 2016 and April 2017. These events were planned by the Dean and Associate Deans in consultation with the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee. Events included:
- Strategic Planning Kickoff Retreat, attended by Department Chairs, Associate Chairs, Undergraduate and Graduate Coordinators. This event focused on discussion about what we want the College to be known for in 5-10 years, and what areas our strategic goals should address.
- Specific meetings for undergraduate students, graduate students, and staff, addressing current strengths in the College, areas for improvement, and suggestions for new actions.
- Strategic Planning Advisory Committee Retreat, where we reflected on the collated notes from the previous events and began to map out goals to focus on and key actions to take over the next three to five years.
- Four workshops open to faculty, staff and students:
- Enhancing and demonstrating research excellence and intensity
- Academic programs - what will we offer?
- Growing our work in community engaged research and learning
- Inspiring teaching and learning - how will we deliver our programs?
We were then able to hone all of the input into the first draft of the core elements of the Plan presented here. Feedback was obtained in meetings with Dean's Council, the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee, each Department, and the CSAHS Alumni Association executive, with revisions being made after each meeting. A full draft of the Plan was then made available to the College online for final feedback.
Strategic Plan Implementation
This Strategic Plan document will be accompanied by an internal Implementation Plan that details how each of the planned actions will be operationalized. For each action, the Implementation Plan specifies who is responsible for implementation, who will be contributing, a timeline with the steps that will be taken, anticipated one-time and on-going costs, space implications, and an evaluation/monitoring plan. In addition to the metrics specified in the evaluation/monitoring plan for each action, the Implementation Plan will also identify a limited number of key metrics to assess overall progress on goals and objectives.
We look forward to presenting progress reports at the end of 1, 3 and 5 years, describing the progress that has been made on each planned action and outcomes achieved.
The next five years promise to be an exciting and transformational era for the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, as we advance our contributions as a leader in innovative scholarship that catalyzes change in response to the pressing issues facing our communities and our world.
Strategic Planning Advisory Committee
- Ben Bradshaw (Geography)
- Mary Lou Cairney (Senior Development Manager)
- Susanne Cooper (Manager, Marketing and Communications)
- Carol Dauda (Political Science)
- Katherine Ferus (Manager, Finance and Administration)
- Emma Franklin (Undergraduate Student)
- Andy Hathaway (Criminal Justice and Public Policy)
- Linda Hawkins (Community Engaged Scholarship Institute)
- Spencer Henson (International Development)
- Leon Kuczynski (Family Relations and Applied Nutrition)
- Mavis Morton (Sociology and Anthropology)
- Thomas Sasso (Graduate Student)
- Leanne Son Hing (Psychology)
- Belinda Leach (Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies)
- Byron Sheldrick (Associate Dean Academic)
- Gwen Chapman (Dean)